The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening review for Nintendo Switch
How to get a remaster nearly perfect!
Nintendo Switch Reviews
How to get a remaster nearly perfect!
Did you see that Zach? They brought a cult classic to Switch!
No cards here (Yellow, Red, or Ultimate Team), but still a good time!
A creepy, grisly, dazzlingly good mystery.
Fifty Words is revolutionary…by the standards of word search games.
In the time it takes you to read this review, you could probably get around halfway to a Mekabolt Platinum.
A little bit of Zelda, a little bit of Torchlight, and a whole lot of fun.
Good news for people who love bad news. And good news. And news in general, really.
Sometimes classics are classics for a reason.
A solid collection of classic JRPGs that originated on the Sega Saturn.