Watch_Dogs E3 screens
We’ve seen an awful lot of Watch_Dogs already, so we’re definitely ready to get our hands on the game. But all we have are new E3 screens.
Wii U Previews
We’ve seen an awful lot of Watch_Dogs already, so we’re definitely ready to get our hands on the game. But all we have are new E3 screens.
Waka waka waka! A retro PAC-MAN compilation and a free update to PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX are on the way from Namco Bandai.
That’s right, a Wii U follow-up to Donkey Kong Country Returns is coming this year, from developer Retro Studios.
There will be four Wii U demo’s available at select Best Buy locations, on Wednesday June 12th, and Saturday June 15th.
The Nintendo eShop for both 3DS and Wii U has a lot of upcoming titles headed to both systems this year, here’s a glimpse at what to expect.
Pikmin 3 will be marching into stores on August 4th, but here’s another look at the game with this brand new trailer coming out of E3 today.
Here’s a new E3 specific trailer for the upcoming release of New Super Luigi U on the Wii U, hitting the eShop June 20th.
Bayonetta gets a haircut and a new trailer all in time for E3. Check out this impressive trailer for Bayonetta 2, with some actual in-game footage on display.
The Wonderful 101 has a new E3 trailer to whet your appetite for that September 15th release date.
Monolith Soft’s current project for the Wii U might or might not be called X, but it certainly looks fantastic in this new trailer.
As if The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker wasn’t a great looking game already, this HD treatment really makes it shine. Check out the new E3 trailer included behind the cut.
Nintendo rips the curtain off of their upcoming first party line-up, including Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and Mario Kart 8.
A Mario Kart game? On a Nintendo console? No way.
Super Mario 3D World announced during Nintendo Direct this morning, headed to Wii U this December. Check out the reveal trailer!
Super Smash Bros. 4 gets a reveal trailer via Nintendo Direct, with both 3DS and Wii U gameplay shown. Also, Mega Man! UPDATE: Over 100 screens, both 3DS and Wii U versions.
Expect to see DuckTales: Remastered, Lost Planet 3, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, and at least one more major surprise. Plus, new screens!
Sega today blew the doors off of Sonic Lost World, which is currently in development exclusively for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Screens, package art, a teaser trailer and more.