Will you survive these final Alien: Isolation video shorts?
Look out!!! Sega has released the final batch of #HowWillYouSurvive video shorts for Alien: Isolation to celebrate the game’s imminent release.
Videogame News
Look out!!! Sega has released the final batch of #HowWillYouSurvive video shorts for Alien: Isolation to celebrate the game’s imminent release.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is just around the corner, so today 2K and Gearbox Software sent over a fresh new narrated walkthrough featuring Claptrap.
Longinus the Evangelist shows off the arsenal of weapons as your disposal in FC4.
Quan Chi will be making the cut for Mortal Kombat X when it launches in 2015.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution doesn’t match the high points of previous Ultimate Ninja Storm titles, and feels like a significant let-down compared to UNS 3.
Even though it’s not available until tomorrow, Super Smash Bros. is by far one of the biggest 3DS releases to hit the eShop in quite some time.
Just a little PSA for those Destiny players who were patiently waiting to get back into the loot and Engram hunting cycle.
Remember when Sony promised that theme support would be headed to the PS Vita and PS4 sometime soon? Well part of the promise is coming true beginning tonight.
Sony has finally revealed their free Instant Game Collection lineup for PlayStation Plus subscribers for the month of October.
Nothing goes together better than Super Smash Bros. and college football, right? Get some hands on time with the Wii U and 3DS release at several locations soon.
It’s never a bad thing when Sony encourages PlayStation gamers to buy stuff from the PlayStation Store and then rewards us for doing so.
Atlus’ Arc System Works-developed Persona themed fighter is now available for the Xbox 360 along with a couple of other releases.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is leading the PS Store Update charge this week, but there are more than a handful of other releases too.
PopCap’s crazy fun multiplayer shooter will be getting yet another free content update soon.
Rejoice Guardians! Several tweaks are coming to Destiny next week to help balance out the loot and activities.
It’s the end of an era folks. Sony’s virtual world for the PlayStation 3 is finally closing down in early 2015.
Far Cry 4 wouldn’t be a proper Far Cry game without some sort of psycho crazy dude pulling the strings. Check out the new trailer.