Catch the Pok?mon Super Bowl commercial right here
Pok?mon is getting a Super Bowl commercial to celebrate the brand’s 20th anniversary, and today we get a look at it ahead of the big game.
Videogame News
Pok?mon is getting a Super Bowl commercial to celebrate the brand’s 20th anniversary, and today we get a look at it ahead of the big game.
First details and media for the upcoming enhanced PS4 release of Sega’s classic strategic PS3 RPG.
Bungie has emerged from their winter vacation to provide details on what we can expect from Destiny in the near future.
Several new Xbox 360 and Xbox Live Arcade titles have been added to the Xbox One backwards compatibility list, along with an extra special free bonus.
The Xbox Games Store is quite well-stocked this week with a number of interesting digital releases.
Apparently fans have been clamoring for new Paragon media from Epic Games. Well here ya go.
There are definitely some fun goodies landing on the Nintendo eShop today, so make sure to check ’em out.
In case you were wondering… there are a few Wii U and 3DS games in the works for 2016 that will feature amiibo functionality, and of course there will be new figures hitting shelves too.
Check out this 1950’s styled sci-fi strategy title coming soon to Xbox One and PC.
Ubisoft issued a prehistoric one-two punch of new Far Cry Primal footage today.
Mike Tyson is officially making his way into the UFC Octagon… in EA Sports UFC 2 at least.
Mortal Kombat X gets repackaged with all of its DLC this March for the PS4 and Xbox One.
2016 brings hundreds of hours to the 3DS for RPG fans.
Bravely Default’s sequel takes inspiration from the original’s launch, with a tasteful special edition and significant eShop demo.
Fire Emblem fans can look forward to another limited edition handheld to pair with the upcoming Fates titles.
There’s a comfortable variety of new releases hitting the PlayStation Store this week for the PS4 and PS Vita.
Several much anticipated new LEGO Dimensions expansion packs are now finally available.