Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End footage takes us to the muddy plains of Madagascar
Naughty Dog and Sony this morning dropped off some fresh Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End gameplay footage and it’s really quite an impressive piece of work.
Videogame News
Naughty Dog and Sony this morning dropped off some fresh Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End gameplay footage and it’s really quite an impressive piece of work.
Thanks to an upcoming free expansion, The Division will be getting a dose of interesting end game content, features and loot.
The next batch of Call of Duty: Black Ops III content is nearly upon us.
There’s a heck of a lot going on in the world of Final Fantasy XV at the moment. So much that Square Enix needed to hold a special event the other day to reveal all of it.
A light week for eShop updates, with only a pair of new games arriving (one of them a Wii re-release), plus a demo version of the recently-released Pokk?n Tournament.
Hold onto your hats PlayStation gamers and PS Plus subscribers, Sony has revealed the next set of free Instant Game Collection releases.
There’s a pretty solid Xbox Games Store lineup this week representing everything from soccer and baseball, to competitive fighting and zombie survival.
New details for Battleborn’s challenging Hardcore Mode, the Color-Coded Teams option, and more.
There’s a vast array of new PlayStation titles on the PS Store today… especially if you’re looking for a little baseball action or new PS Vita releases.
Finally, Nintendo’s very first mobile app is done and ready to launch in North America.
With Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Michonne – Episode 2 hitting various services tomorrow, the studio thought it would be a great idea to share a new set of screens and a preview trailer.
Tabitha and Chris dig into the Battleborn early access preview and return with some hands-on impressions of Gearbox’s unique take on the MOBA genre.
Sony’s original scripted series for PlayStation Plus members starts up again in May.
Next month’s free Games with Gold releases for Xbox Live Gold members are quite good.
The highest profile piece of eShop content for this week is certainly Hyrule Warriors Legends for the Nintendo 3DS. Shantae dances her way onto the Wii U too.
There’s a few new digital releases available on the Xbox Games Store this week along with a number of backwards compatible Xbox 360 titles.
With the latest and greatest Dark Souls installment just a couple of weeks away, Bandai Namco and From Software have dropped off a dramatic new trailer.