Thunderflash review for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Switch
Too much run, not enough gun.
Too much run, not enough gun.
R.B.I. Baseball 21 sets new standards for ineptitude.
A hefty mark-up doesn?t detract entirely from a solid port of the classic board game.
Good news: the PS Vita is still getting exclusives months away from its forced obsolescence. Bad news: it?s absolutely terrible.
Rip Them Off is lots of fun…when it works. And it doesn?t work nearly as much as it should.
Clangy music and flashing neon everywhere.
Not much more than the sum of its influences — but what influences!
A clucking good point & click adventure.
A retro-infused platformer that completely understands its influences.
Tropico 6?s Switch is as fun as it is rough — which is to say, very.
Crash Bandicoot?s triumphant return arrives on the PS5.
Autumn?s Journey isn?t very good…but it?s also not that bad, either.
Who doesn?t love a puzzle game full of water levels?
An incredibly odd love letter to the ?90s that?s equal parts 3D platformer and 2D dungeon crawler.
Summer Catchers may have gotten its start on PC, but spiritually, it?s a mobile game.