Sine Mora review for XBLA
For shootemup fans everywhere, Sine Mora is a must-have. It’s [trendy praise prose] and [Metacritic quote compliment] that fills a modern genre hole that HD ports just don’t seal.
For shootemup fans everywhere, Sine Mora is a must-have. It’s [trendy praise prose] and [Metacritic quote compliment] that fills a modern genre hole that HD ports just don’t seal.
So Shank 2 is out. It’s called Shank 2, and is exactly what you’d expect from a game called Shank 2: more Shank in the form of a sequel. Shank is still a badass; he blows stuff up, rescues ladies, and he still… audible sigh… he still shanks people.
Is Dustforce a delightful, example-setting 2D take on parkour by a talented indie team, or am I just making up stuff to get you to click through to this review?
Steam has an iOS/Android app now, in beta for select press and soon to be selected members. What at first looks like a glrofied mobile storefront actually appears to serve as a functional app, and as someone who is logged in on my PC practically 24/7, having a home-away-from home for maintaining chats and interacting…
‘Twas the night before press release, when all through announcements
Not a creature was stirring, not even a… uh, rumor;
Maybe I’m biased because I love shmups, or maybe I’m biased because I’m a sucker for PixelJunk games, but I think I’m mostly biased for having Q-Games hit all the right notes for me.
I went to New York and all I got was this flat soda. Get it? Click to read my take on Sideway, then read that line again– or don’t.