Venom and Robo Ky?!?! to return to Guilty Gear -Strive- today!

The Arc World Tour 2024 Finals happened this past weekend and as with most fighting game tourneys we were expecting announcements. Venom’s reveal wasn’t a shock as Arc System Works had already detailed all the characters that would be coming as part of Guilty Gear -Strive- Season 4 contents…what was surprising was who accompanies Venom in this iteration of the character…Robo Ky.

Those who follow the plot to Guilty Gear (I assure you it is possible) would assume that after the events of Guilty Gear Xrd, the robotic doppelganger of Ky Kiske would simply have another body built for him. However it seems Arc System works decided to let this status quo stick, leaving the irregular robot completely bodiless and an assistant to the reformed ex-head of the Assassin’s Guild.

Venom, whose priorities are baking bread, protecting the townsfolk, returns as a vigilante. Despite the change of the reason which he fights, he still wields his pool cue and his moveset is heavily inspired by billiards. To give players a preview of what they can expect with this returning character, Arc System Works has released a Starter Guide video detailing the character’s moves and the strategies you’ll need to use to dominate the battlefield.

As part of the game’s 4th season pass, he is available today at no extra charge (the season pass retails for $29.99). If you want to buy the character a la carte he can be had for $6.99. If you haven’t had a chance to experience all that Guilty Gear -Strive- has to offer you may be in luck, to celebrate the Arc World Tour Finals the game and it’s first 3 seasons are available at discounts up to 50% off on Steam (Along with other ArcSys titles).

Guilty Gear -Strive- is available now on PC, Switch, the Xbox and PlayStation platforms.

Guilty Gear -Strive- Venom screens:

Venom | Announcement Trailer | Guilty Gear -Strive-

Venom | Announcement Trailer | Guilty Gear -Strive-

Guilty Gear -Strive- Starter Guide – Venom

Guilty Gear -Strive- Starter Guide - Venom