Forgive Me Father 2 review for PC

Platform: PC
Publisher: Fulqrum Publishing
Developer: Byte Barrel
Medium: Digital
Players: 1
Online: No
ESRB: Not Rated

Before I go any further, I should probably admit that I never played the first Forgive Me Father. I’ve never been all that interested in first-person shooters or Lovecraftian themes, so I figured a game mixing the two things wouldn’t appeal to me very much.

Based on Forgive Me Father 2, I think I may have misjudged.

Or, at least, I have no idea why I would’ve thought that I wouldn’t like a game that’s all about running around and shooting everything that moves. As someone whose gaming style doesn’t rely much on planning ahead, a game like Forgive Me Father 2 is right up my alley. It borrows heavily from the likes of Doom (especially post-2016 reboot), a fast-moving shooter that’s all about getting ever-more-powerful weapons and blasting your enemies into bloody chunks as quickly as you can. Obviously you have shotguns and pistols that make the eldritch horrors explode, but the further in you get, the more opportunities you have to upgrade your weapons into crazy tentacled monstrosities that seem like they came from sci-fi fever dreams.

And speaking of fever dreams, there’s the world of Forgive Me Father 2. It’s as if someone decided to recreate Lovecraft via comic books, with an art style that combines gorgeous (and gory) hand-drawn art with the kind of hideous creatures that you think of when you hear the name Lovecraft. Naturally, the whole thing is accompanied by a thunderous heavy metal soundtrack.

Just about the only criticism that could be leveled against Forgive Me Father 2 is that it can feel a little repetitive – but, at the same time, that’s kind of the nature of the game. It’s an old-school shooter that borrows the mindset of older arena shooters, with levels that are fairly manageably sized rather than ones that naturally lead into each other. In Forgive Me Father 2, you enter the levels, you blast away at the baddies, then you return to the asylum to upgrade your weapons and load-outs and move on to the next level. It’s simple, but it’s a perfect set-up for this kind of game.

Which means that if you’re a fan of old-school shooters – or even if you just like games where you don’t have to think much and you can fire away at everything that moves – you should definitely check out Forgive Me Father 2. It doesn’t break new ground, but with weapons and action this fun, it doesn’t need to.

Fulqrum Publishing provided us with a Forgive Me Father 2 PC code for review purposes.

Grade: 8
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