Get acquainted with the mechanics of Bleach Rebirth of Souls and learn the title’s post-release plans

When Bleach Rebirth of Souls was revealed at Namco Bandai’s Summer Showcase at Anime Expo, the team revealed that despite being a fighting game…the combat won’t finish when a health bar reaches zero. I’m still not quite sure how matches will flow, but thankfully Namco Bandai expected this and released a trailer explaining how the combat will flow.

The System Overviews trailer gives us greater insight to the combat, but also the other game modes which will be in the base game. As revealed previously the game covers up the Arrancar Arc and will feature side stories that allows you to view the plot from the perspective of other characters. A mission mode will allow you to hone your skills with your favorite character and you’ll need all the practice you can get if you wish to survive the tough online battles that await you in the game’s online multiplayer modes.

One last thing that was revealed is that the game will have post-release updates including characters that appear in the Thousand Year Blood War Arc…the series’ penultimate storyline. It will be interesting to see if these additional characters will be updated iterations of existing characters or perhaps members of the Quincy Vandenreich?

Bleach Rebirth of Souls will be available on PC, Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation platform on March 21st, 2025.

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls – System Overview Trailer

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls - System Overview Trailer

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls PS5

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