The conflict to reclaim Fevrith begins as Unicorn Overlord is out today

From the studio that brought you Dragon’s Crown, Muramasa and most recently 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim comes the next grand title from developer Vanillaware as their Tactical RPG Unicorn Overlord launches on consoles worldwide.

After seeing his kingdom betrayed and conquered by the villainous General Valmore, the former crown prince of Cornia, Alain has come of age and is ready to embark on the journey to not just free his kingdom, but all nations of Fevrith from the evil clutches of the Zenoiran Empire.

Take on the quest in whatever manner you chose, meet a cast of colorful characters, recruit them to your cause, build relationships and most of all fight valiantly to reclaim your birthright!

The game has seen extremely positive critical reception, currently sitting at 88 on Metacritic as of the writing of this post. If the words of the critics don’t sway you, perhaps experience it yourself as the game has a demo which covers the early parts of the title and your data will transfer over to the full title. The game is available physically in both a regular and a Monarch Edition which is jam packed with content and includes a card game based on the title which can’t be found anywhere else!

Unicorn Overlord is available now for the Switch, Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation platform.

Unicorn Overlord — Launch Trailer | Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S:

Unicorn Overlord — Launch Trailer | Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S

Unicorn Overlord - PlayStation 5

Price: $29.99

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