Zenless Zone Zero’s PS5 announcement trailer reveals more after first glance

It kind of seems like a foregone conclusion…right? However we finally got confirmation on yesterday’s PlayStation State of Play showcase that HoYoverse’s next free to play urban fantasy ARPG Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ for those who just want to use 1 key to type the game’s name) is in development for Sony’s PlayStation 5.

While the crux of the announcement was obvious, the trailer frantically showed just what the world of New Eridu and the factions that keep it together are about. Groups such as the Cunning Hares and Belobog Heavy Industries keep the threat of the “Hollows” at bay as they recover technology and resources from these mysterious beings. You as a “proxy” will have to navigate these groups, take on hollows as you make a life in this last bastion of civilization.

I think my questions are, is the bear playable, are PS4 owners finally going to have to upgrade their hardware and do we know when we can step into this world? The sooner, the better!

Zenless Zone Zero set to release on PC, PlayStation 5, iOS and Android.

Zenless Zone Zero State of Play Announcement Video:

Zenless Zone Zero State of Play Announcement Video