Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age โ€“ Definitive Edition review for Xbox One, PS4

Platform: Xbox One
Also On: PS4
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix
Medium: Blu-ray/Digital
Players: 1
Online: No

I think three separate reviews for one game might a personal best for me, but at least it?s been a game worth playing, namely the latest release of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age โ€“ Definitive Edition for PS4 and Xbox One. Having just released a little over a week ago, this version of the game brings over the bells and whistles of the prior Switch release back to original current-gen (last gen?) consoles that the game originally spawned on. 

I?m not going to go into a whole lot here with this review. My original review for the first PS4 release can be found here, and the subsequent Switch review here, but I will again state that Dragon Quest XI is a very good Dragon Quest game. The 2D mode introduced in the Switch version makes for a pretty good reason to replay the game as well, provided you already played through the original on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 previously.

Having played a significant amount of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of An Elusive Age โ€“ Definitive Edition on an Xbox Series X, it?s a pretty darn good looking game too. While not necessarily an ?enhanced? version of the game, you?re still getting a nice HDR boost, solid framerate, and some severely improved loading times. 

Also worth noting, the game is currently free on Xbox Game Pass.

If you?ve managed to miss out on Dragon Quest XI so far, then this is surely the version of the game you should get. It?s a great RPG, packs a lot of content in to keep you busy throughout the holiday season, and the nifty 2D mode makes for a fun nostalgia trip to boot. 

Note: Square Enix provided us with a Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age โ€“ Definitive Edition Xbox One code for review purposes.

Grade: A
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