Zen Studios announces The Mandalorian-themed Star Wars Pinball table

Zen Studios, developers of our some of our favorite videogame pinball experiences out there, is officially adding a new Star Wars Pinball table to their roster in the somewhat near future.

The company today revealed that a Mandalorian-themed Pinball FX2/Star Wars Pinball table is in development and targeting a Spring 2021 release across all platforms. The fresh new table will be based on the first season of the hit Disney+ series and will feature many set pieces and scenarios from the show along with the trademark Zen Studios story-based missions, bells and whistles.

Get a sneak peek at the trailer and some captures below, and stay tuned for more info.

The โ€˜The Mandalorianโ€™ Themed Star Wars Pinball captures:

Star Wars Pinball โ€“ โ€˜The Mandalorianโ€™ Themed Pinball Table in Production!:

Star Wars Pinball - 'The Mandalorian' Themed Pinball Table in Production!

The brand new table inspired by The Mandalorian features story-based missions following events of the first season that can be played in any order. Players will experience the game from the perspective of the Mandalorian himself, and the table is set in the cargo hold of the Razor Crest.

The table brings the Mandalorian, the Child, and IG-11 to life on the table as 3D characters, and features 3D objects such as the Razor Crest, Moff Gideon?s outland TIE fighter, and the AT-ST seen in ?Chapter 4: Sanctuary.?

The Mandalorian-themed pinball table is expected to release in Spring 2021.