New Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer shows off the Free Fall bonus map in action
We think we’ve probably seen more than enough of Call of Duty: Ghosts at this point, but Activision certainly isn’t done hyping up the impending release.
We think we’ve probably seen more than enough of Call of Duty: Ghosts at this point, but Activision certainly isn’t done hyping up the impending release.
Ubisoft’s long awaited South Park RPG, South Park: The Stick of Truth, has been officially pushed back to March 2014. But at least we have a new trailer.
Microsoft today has revealed which free Xbox 360 games will be headed to Xbox Live Gold subscribers for the month of November.
Alien Rage might win the award for most generic first person shooter of 2013.
The most fun you will have learning how to play guitar hands down.
Nintendo has a treat-filled eShop update lined up for Halloween and the rest of the week, including the awesome Super Castlevania IV as a Wii U Virtual Console release.
Do you like 3D fighting games? Girl Fight will take care of that!
Almost anything and everything that you need to know about the PS4 in one neat package. Check it out.
Sega today announced that 3D remakes of some of their classic arcade/console games will be finally headed to North American and European Nintendo 3DS systems.
Techland today announced that Hellraid, their unique, first person slash-em-up for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, has been pushed into 2014.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Square Enix’s latest MMORPG set in the Final Fantasy universe, is doing quite well thus far on the PS3 and PC. PS4 beta, a content patch and the World Transfer Service feature coming soon.
A great deal if you’re looking to stack more time on your Gold membership in time for the Xbox One release.
In case you missed the news last night, EA and Microsoft announced that Titanfall, Respawn Entertainment’s much hyped Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC release, has gone full exclusive.
It’s a pretty jam packed PS Sore Update this week, anchored by several high-profile full PS3 titles a few PSN releases, a trio of non game apps, several sales and promotions and more.
Even with the PS4 due out in a couple of weeks, Sony is still partnering up with various providers to bulk up its entertainment apps for the PS3 and PS Vita.
Telltale Games today finally, officially announced the second season of their award-winning The Walking Dead game series. Trailer and screens included.
Ryse: Son of Rome still gets a lot of crap for its “press X to win”-style gameplay, but it’s certainly a stunning looking Xbox One launch title.