Zen Studios is teasing a new Star Wars Pinball in time for Star Wars Celebration 2019
Zen Studios is strongly teasing they are ready to show off something new that may take place in a galaxy far, far away.
Zen Studios is strongly teasing they are ready to show off something new that may take place in a galaxy far, far away.
Pinball FX3 gives pinball fans a lot to look forward to across a variety of platforms, with a focus on both single-player content and tournaments.
The latest installment in the Star Wars saga gets a Zen Studios pinball table of its own.
Four new excellent Star Wars-themed tables from Zen Studios for all you scruffy looking nerfherders.
The Wii U finally gets caught up with the latest and greatest Star Wars Pinball expansion.
Zen Studios today announced that Zen Pinball 2 and most of its tables will be launching on the PlayStation 4 in the very near future. Doctor Strange table set to be released for Marvel Pinball too.
In advance of next week’s release, Zen Studios sent over an another awesome new trailer for the Star Wars Pinball… this time focusing on the table dedicated to everyone’s favorite intergalactic bounty hunter, Boba Fett.
Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles marks another four table set to the ever expanding library of Zen Studio’s produced virtual pinball tables. This collection, focusing on the ever-popular comic-turned-movie stars delivers on all levels.
Role Playing Games meet Pinball… well kinda. See if Zen Pinball’s unique new add-on for Zen Pinball and Pinball FX2 is worth the price.
We absolutely love everything that Zen Studios creates for Pinball FX2 and Zen Pinball, and the latest bit of news regarding their videogame pinball series’ sounds extremely cool.
Zen Studios is all set to roll out (pun intended) their 3D enabled, Nintendo 3DS version of their awesomely authentic pinball series, Zen Pinball on the Nintendo eShop.