“Copper Shadow”, “Dusk Shadow” Xbox One Controllers coming later this month
Microsoft is set to roll out an attractive new set of Special Edition Xbox One Wireless Controllers in unique colors later this month.
Microsoft is set to roll out an attractive new set of Special Edition Xbox One Wireless Controllers in unique colors later this month.
There’s quite the healthy Xbox lineup this week including the latest and greatest UFC game, the remastered version of ChAIR’s Shadow Complex, and a brand new adventure for Shantae.
Microsoft is finally going to allow game developers to support cross-platform/cross-network play between the Xbox One, a Windows 10 PC and/or “other consoles”.
There’s a trio of very different Xbox digital releases hitting the Xbox Games Store this week so far. [Update: Teslagrad too]
In a rather abrupt bit of Xbox and Microsoft Studios news this morning, it was announced that Lionhead Studios will be shutting down and Fable Legends has effectively been canceled.
Check out the new batch of Xbox content available on the Xbox Games Store this week so far.
You want a nice selection of new Xbox One digital titles? Here ya go.
Are a few minutes of lousy storytelling enough to derail a game that otherwise has strong GOTY potential? We don?t know, but Oxenfree seems determined to find out.
The Xbox One and Xbox app will be on the receiving end of several new features and enhancements beginning today.
If you’ve yet to check out Psyonix’s interesting take on soccer, then we definitely suggest you consider picking up Rocket League.
If you haven’t picked up an Xbox One and perhaps were looking forward to Quantum Break, then Microsoft may have a bundle for you. Details and a new trailer within.
It’s another solid Xbox Games Store Update for Xbox One owners this week. Update: even more new releases including In Space We Brawl, D/Generation HD.
Several new digital releases have landed on the Xbox Games Store this week.
See which Xbox One and Xbox 360 titles are set to hit Xbox Live for free next month.
There are several new digital titles available on the Xbox Games Store this week so far, including the latest and greatest LEGO superhero title and a few others.
Several new Xbox 360 and Xbox Live Arcade titles have been added to the Xbox One backwards compatibility list, along with an extra special free bonus.
The Xbox Games Store is quite well-stocked this week with a number of interesting digital releases.