XBL Gold members get Goat Simulator, The Crew free in June
If you’re looking for some open-world racing action or an off-the-wall farm animal simulator, then you’re most definitely in luck.
If you’re looking for some open-world racing action or an off-the-wall farm animal simulator, then you’re most definitely in luck.
Beyond the open world shooting action of Homefront: The Revolution, there are a few other new Xbox Games Store releases to consider this week so far.
Microsoft will be releasing nearly 1 million formerly used original Xbox tags into the wild this week.
It’s a good week on the Xbox Games Store if you want to shoot stuff that’s for sure.
There’s not a whole lot of quantity this week on the Xbox Games Store, but there’s certainly a quality selection available thus far.
A decent selection of new Xbox One and XBox 360 freebies for Xbox Live Gold subscribers for next month.
From Party Hard to new chapters in The Walking Dead: Michonne and King’s Quest episodic series, to an Assassin’s Creed triple pack, there’s a solid batch of Xbox releases this week.
After more than a decade, Microsoft will stop producing new Xbox 360 consoles.
There’s not quite a super huge batch of new digital titles available on the Xbox Games Store thus far, but there is a decent variety at least.
Even though there’s only a couple of new Xbox One digital releases available so far this week, we’re expecting that to change fairly soon.
If you were watching TV or online at one point in the day yesterday afternoon or evening, you more than likely caught the dramatic new Gears of War 4 trailer. Check it out again here.
Hold onto your big guns Xbox One gamers, Microsoft has officially announced a release date for Gears of War 4.
There’s already a solid selection of Xbox One games available this week, including, of course, Quantum Break.
There’s a pretty solid Xbox Games Store lineup this week representing everything from soccer and baseball, to competitive fighting and zombie survival.
Next month’s free Games with Gold releases for Xbox Live Gold members are quite good.
There’s a few new digital releases available on the Xbox Games Store this week along with a number of backwards compatible Xbox 360 titles.
Xbox Spring Sale will slice $50 off the retail price starting this weekend.