Mirror’s Edge Catalyst closed beta goes live next week
A select group of Mirror’s Edge fans will get to take the game out for a test run later next week.
A select group of Mirror’s Edge fans will get to take the game out for a test run later next week.
The Bespin expansion gets a June release, and EA and DICE drop off some new info for the upcoming free content and special events they have lined up.
If you’re sad to see Kobe Bryant retire… then at least you can take solace in the fact that his career will live on in NBA 2K17 forever (more or less).
Even though there’s only a couple of new Xbox One digital releases available so far this week, we’re expecting that to change fairly soon.
For all those potential Battleborn fans out there interested in taking Gearbox’s latest creation out for a spin.
The Bungie Live team has assembled a new preview trailer showing off a little bit of everything that Destiny fans can expect from the new content and game update tomorrow.
Ubisoft’s The Division’s first semi-significant game update is due up tomorrow, so the company figured it would be a great time to drop off a brand new trailer.
If you were watching TV or online at one point in the day yesterday afternoon or evening, you more than likely caught the dramatic new Gears of War 4 trailer. Check it out again here.
One of the best marriages of Demon’s and Dark Souls meets Bloodborne.
Telltale Games’ publishing label is officially bringing The Fun Pimps’ popular PC “survival horde crafting” game to the PS4 and Xbox One.
The North American release of Koei Tecmo’s Attack on Titan game finally has a date and confirmed platforms. And a whole slew of new screens and an announce trailer too.
The middle episode in Telltale’s Michonne mini-series is unfortunately the weakest thus far.
Destiny’s April Update is just around the corner, and today Bungie spent some time going over a number of the sandbox and PvP crucible changes that they are deploying along with the game update.
Bethesda and id Software today revealed new details for the upcoming April 15th open beta session and the game’s DLC and season pass.
Hold onto your big guns Xbox One gamers, Microsoft has officially announced a release date for Gears of War 4.
There’s already a solid selection of Xbox One games available this week, including, of course, Quantum Break.