Xbox Live Arcade Update – Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Capcom’s duo of classic D&D arcade beat-em-ups finally hits XBLA complete with enhanced visuals, online co-op play for 4 players, and a bunch of extras.
Capcom’s duo of classic D&D arcade beat-em-ups finally hits XBLA complete with enhanced visuals, online co-op play for 4 players, and a bunch of extras.
This two game compilation of one of the best 2D beat ’em up series from the 90’s has been given all the care and attention that classic retro ports should.
Waka waka waka! A retro PAC-MAN compilation and a free update to PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX are on the way from Namco Bandai.
The lineup for XBLA’s Summer of Arcade event is announced, showcasing a new TMNT title, Flashback, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and Charlie Murder.
Wargaming’s popular PC title World of Tanks is headed to the Xbox 360, with beta testing to begin soon.
Take one part Angry Birds, and one part real time strategy and you have a fun game from ZEN Studios that will hook you in for hours.
Expect to see DuckTales: Remastered, Lost Planet 3, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, and at least one more major surprise. Plus, new screens!
The latest zombie-based game to hit Xbox Live Arcade is State of Decay, a hybrid 3rd-person, action/adventure/strategy/simulation take on the genre by Undead Labs.
Sega takes us behind the scenes of the remastered digital version of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.
There’s a duo of completely different Xbox Live Arcade releases available on the marketplace this morning, with Zen Studio’s destructive CastleStorm leading the way.
Even with it’s unique pairing of two genres, Sanctum 2 doesn’t really offer too much to get excited about.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is pure, distilled, western action at its finest. It’s great enough to make The Cartel feel like it never happened.
Techland and Ubisoft’s more action-oriented take on their wild west Call of Juarez series is the sole release this Wednesday.
CastleStorm is definitely, absolutely, finally headed to Xbox Live Arcade in the very near future according to Zen Studios. Announcement and new trailer within.
We have a pretty big XBLA release this week thanks to Coffee Stain Studios’ hybrid tower defense/FPS sequel, Sanctum 2. The Twitch app rolled out yesterday as well.
Have you ever wanted to see Brock Samson and Claptrap play Poker with GLaDOS? Have I got a game for you?.