Tom Clancy’s The Division – Underground expansion now available for PS4
PS4 players can finally get their first piece of paid The Division content.
PS4 players can finally get their first piece of paid The Division content.
The brand new “We Are Ghosts” trailer shows off some of the open world action in the latest and greatest Tom Clancy?s Ghost Recon title.
We still don’t have shipped or sold numbers for the game, but apparently Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy?s The Division is doing extremely well for the company.
We’re a week away from the anticipated launch of Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s The Division, so the publisher figured it would be a good time to release an all-new launch trailer for the game.
Did you know that Tom Clancy’s The Division is an RPG and not just a 3rd person shooter? Well now you do. See it in action.
Just in case The Division didn’t give you your Tom Clancy fill, Rainbow Six Siege is coming in 2015.
One of the more impressive displays of technology revealed during the VGX event was Ubisoft’s next-generation Snowdrop Engine “gameplay” trailer.
A new Gamescom trailer and official confirmation of a PC version. Check it out.
Ubisoft today fired over a dramatic new trailer for Splinter Cell Blacklist highlighting the Engineers, the group of well-equipped bad guys looking to screw with the United States and Sam Fisher.
Ubisoft released a new Splinter Cell Blacklist demo video late yesterday that digs a bit deeper into the gameplay and shows off the Liquid Natural Gas Plant mission.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell is so last generation… especially when the amazing sounding Tom Clancy’s The Division has been revealed. Media and details within.
Ubisoft today secretly delivered new Splinter Cell Blacklist details and revealed a batch of media for the newly announced co-op missions included in the game.
With Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist now officially gracing all 3 current generation consoles and the PC, Ubisoft has snuck out a brand new trailer for the game showing off some of Sam’s abilities.
As they did previously with Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft today has announced that they are once again partnering with New Regency to bring another of their game franchises to the big screen. Tom Hardy and screenwriter Eric Warren Singer are also attached to the film.
Ghost Recon comes back…to the future! Heading in another new direction for the long-running tactical shooter franchise, Future Soldier unfortunately fails to excite. Read why in the full review behind the link.
Kevin Love, the Minnesota Timberwolves’ all-star forward, has officially joined Team Ghost as part of Ubisoft’s upcoming Tom Clancy?s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
Ubisoft today fired over a new selection of media for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier which highlight the snazzy new technology that will be available within the game, and hopefully soon, in real life.