Final Fantasy Explorers journeying to Nintendo 3DS early next year
Square Enix confirmed that their Nintendo 3DS exclusive, co-op enabled Final Fantasy experience is officially headed to the Americas on January 26th, 2016.
Square Enix confirmed that their Nintendo 3DS exclusive, co-op enabled Final Fantasy experience is officially headed to the Americas on January 26th, 2016.
Xbox consoles have a 1 year exclusive, but at least Square Enix has fessed up and confirmed that it is coming to other platforms.
It’s been over 2 months since the mind-blowing 3rd episode was released, so we’re ready to step back into the world of DONTNOD’s stylish time-bending adventure.
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios this morning released a set of action-packed new videos of Just Cause 3.
Fans looking to jump into the tropical, sandbox world of Just Cause 3 can do so in style with the just announced Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition.
Who needs game demos when you can check out a 150 foot zip-line course inspired by Just Cause 3?
Celebrate the holidays with a whole bunch of explosions, courtesy of Just Cause 3.
Project SETSUNA will be a brand-new RPG series developed for consoles under the newly formed studio Tokyo RPG Factory.
NieR New Project will be coming to the PS4 courtesy of Platinum Games and Square Enix.
Star Ocean 5 is coming to the Americas on PS4 in 2016. Check out a whole bunch of screens and the first English trailer for the upcoming JRPG.
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A new free-to-play Kingdom Hearts-themed game will launch on iOS and Android, tying back into the storyline for Kingdom Hearts III.
Check out the new Disney world revealed in the trailer unveiled today by Square Enix.
This chibi-style, monster collecting romp through the wild assortment of Final Fantasy monsters and characters launches next year. Check out the announcement trailer and screens!
World of Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VII Remake, NieR New Project, Kingdom Hearts 3, Hitman, Dragon Quest Heroes, Rise of the Tomb Raider and more. Check out the full press conference within.
Agent 47 returns this December via digital release on current-gen platforms.
Today is definitely a day of big surprises… one of the biggest being the confirmation of a Final Fantasy VII Remake by Square Enix.