Sine Mora review for PSN, PS Vita
Sine Mora brings new meaning to the term “Bullet Hell” for both PS3 and PS Vita owners, and offers a great challenge for everyone.
Sine Mora brings new meaning to the term “Bullet Hell” for both PS3 and PS Vita owners, and offers a great challenge for everyone.
After being announced as a PlayStation Vita release not all that long ago, today, Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality revealed that the award-winning shmup is also headed to the PS3.
In a somewhat unexpected (but awesome) bit of news, Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture announced that their excellent Xbox Live Arcade shmup, Sine Mora, is coming to the Vita. The diesel punk shoot ’em up will surely look and play extremely well on the powerful portable, and the Vita version will feature some new content as well.
Sine Mora is officially headed to Xbox Live Arcade on March 21st, and this morning, Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture shot over a brand new trailer to celebrate.