Activision announces Skylanders Trap Team
Activision today revealed Skylanders Trap Team, the next game in their hugely popular Skylanders game and toy franchise. All the details, product shots, screens a trailer and more.
Activision today revealed Skylanders Trap Team, the next game in their hugely popular Skylanders game and toy franchise. All the details, product shots, screens a trailer and more.
With inFamous Second Son and GTA V out of the way for now, Ubisoft is coming on strong with the Watch_Dogs hype.
Also included in this week’s update: Starlight Inception and The Walking Dead: Season 2 for the Vita, Putty Squad, Cel Damage HD for all PS platforms and more.
The legendary Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter who won the first ever UFC is included in the first ever EA Sports UFC release.
The next game in EA and BioWare’s popular Dragon Age RPG series is officially headed to consoles and the PC this October. New gameplay trailer within.
Does an ancient, low-tech game get better with a high tech makeover? Read our review to find out!
LEGO The Hobbit marks a fun, but unnecessary return to the LEGO rendition of Middle-Earth, seen through the eyes of Director Peter Jackson.
An epic new PS4 trailer showing off all that uncanny eye-candy.
A new behind-the-scenes look at Alien: Isolation’s retro, “lo-fi sci-fi” technology.
The big PS4 update is apparently coming “very soon” and will include a couple of additional features which Sony revealed in depth last night.
Sony this evening has announced that PS4 sales have reached another big milestone as of April 6th.
Sucker Punch is pulling out all the stops to please their inFamous fans and they’ve found time to sneak in a few new features for tomorrow’s patch.
The latest online Final Fantasy experience hits a new milestone.
All of the PlayStation platforms get some love this week with several new releases for both platforms. Read on for the details.
A game designed for mobile makes the jump to PS4. What could go wrong? Not a whole lot, apparently.
The great PC platformer arrives on PlayStation platforms. Did its greatness make the transition too? Read on and find out.
Supergiant Games’ Transistor is arriving next month. Bastion fans and PS4 owners rejoice.