The Witcher 3’s DLC will be totally free – horse armor included
In a refreshing piece of news from CD Projekt Red regarding The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — all upcoming DLC will be offered entirely for free for all players who purchase the game.
In a refreshing piece of news from CD Projekt Red regarding The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — all upcoming DLC will be offered entirely for free for all players who purchase the game.
Rockstar Games is most definitely kicking their Grand Theft Auto V hype into overdrive. Check out a new trailer showing of all the visual enhancements.
Remember that awesome PS4 update that added a bunch of cool features but totally broke Rest Mode? Well the fix for that update has begun rolling out.
In case you’ve been living under a really big rock, you should know that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is launching today… but wait, there’s more.
Who needs a Grand Theft Auto V mod when you can have an official first person mode right out of the box? First trailer and new screens.
With a flamboyant dictator and an exotic Himalayas locale, Far Cry 4 looks to tell a pretty crazy story.
Samurai Warriors 4 doesn’t try and reinvent the franchise, but it does show that the franchise can finally work on the PS Vita.
The Wolf Among Us is officially launching on the PS4, Xbox One and PS Vita beginning today.
The F-Zero/endless runner mashup you never knew you needed in your life is here.
Sony added some pretty nifty functionality to the PS4 when it launched the 2.00 system software update just a few short days ago. It also brought about some problems…
You may not know that you need a fencing game in which the goal is to be eaten by a giant worm in your life, but Nidhogg is proof that you do.
Ever wondered how many words rhyme with wang? Shadow Warrior has you covered.
The launch of Assassin’s Creed Unity is less than two weeks away and Ubisoft is still finding ways to excite — and confuse — us.
For all those holding off on playing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes because of the $30 price tag, Konami has some good news for you.
Yes, Driveclub PS Plus Edition is still apparently in limbo, but next month’s lineup is still quite solid.
A fresh new PS4/Xbox One trailer for the upcoming, highly enhanced re-release of the PSP Final Fantasy title.