Dishonored 2 E3 2015 screens, trailer, game details
Along with a definitive remastered release of the original Dishonored, Bethesda and Arkane blew the lid off of the upcoming sequel.
Along with a definitive remastered release of the original Dishonored, Bethesda and Arkane blew the lid off of the upcoming sequel.
Bethesda’s big E3 2015 Showcase took place last night, and one of the titles that most fans are excited about is surely Fallout 4. New details and media.
Bandai Namco’s previously announced PS3 RPG will also be making it to the PS4 and PC when it launches later this fall.
Hold onto your FightSticks Street Fighter fans, Capcom today dropped off a rather large batch of pre-E3 assets to hold you over until next week.
Darksiders 2 is officially coming back from the dead thanks to Nordic Games.
Logitech this morning revealed a pair of premium force feedback racing wheels for consoles and the PC.
More pre-E3 goods out of Sony today, with a gameplay trailer for Hellblade, developed by Ninja Theory.
Ratchet & Clank are headed to PS4, and here’s a whole bunch of video (plus an official announcement), to prove it.
We’re only a week out from the E3 2015, and all is pretty quiet on the PlayStation Store this week.
In just 2 weeks, CD PROJEKT RED’s latest release has sold more than 4 million copies worldwide.
In advance of the E3 which is kicking off next week, EA and DICE have officially revealed the title of the upcoming Mirror’s Edge game. More details coming soon.
Nathan Drake’s adventures-to-date charting a course for the PS4 this October.
Comcept and Deep Silver have released a mighty fine looking 60fps gameplay trailer for Mighty No. 9.
Daybreak has announced today that PlanetSide 2 for the PS4 will finally come out of beta and launch on June 23rd.
Here it is Fallout fans, Fallout 4 has officially been revealed. First media, box art and details.
Rally behind House Forrester in the newest episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series.
There are some fun sounding new releases hitting the PlayStation Store tonight, especially since around half the content is free for PS Plus subscribers.