Sony reveals full game lineup for PlayStation Classic
And here it is, the full lineup of 20 classic PlayStation titles that will be pre-installed on Sony’s upcoming PlayStation Classic mini-console.
And here it is, the full lineup of 20 classic PlayStation titles that will be pre-installed on Sony’s upcoming PlayStation Classic mini-console.
Boy are there some interesting looking and sounding titles due to hit the PS4, PSVR and PS Vita this week.
There’s a little ol’ game known as Red Dead Redemption 2 moseying its way onto the PS Store later this week, with a handful of other titles too.
There’s definitely a pretty unique mix of new digital PlayStation releases on the PlayStation Store this week.
Is it true? Is it finally happening? After all these years, Sony will begin allowing users to change their PSN IDs. Goodbye xXXGamingAgeRulezzXXx!
There’s a couple of pretty small, unimportant releases this week that no one has probably heard of. Right?
The mini-game “Robots Rescue” from Playroom VR is now a full fledged action platformer and it’s absolutely dynamite!
There’s quite a few high profile titles hitting PlayStation platforms (more specifically the PS4 and PSVR) this week as you can see within.
While not quite as impressive as some of the most recent PlayStation Plus lineup announcements, October 2018 isn’t too bad at all for subscribers.
Beginning today, Fornite players on PS4, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Windows/Mac can all play together, with more 3rd party cross-platform play potentially coming soon.
This week is quite jam-packed with new digital PlayStation content for all platforms.
PS Now subscribers can soon download full versions of PS4 and PS2 games locally to their PS4 consoles.
Pre-loaded with 20 games, the super cute PlayStation Classic retro mini console is launching in December. Details within!
A pair of fishing games, a half dozen new PlayStation VR titles and quite a bit more this week.
There’s another quite solid PS Store update with plethora of new releases to check out.
With over 300 games and quite a few more on the horizon, Sony is whipping up some new bundles for potential new PlayStation VR players.
So many big PlayStation digital releases this week… so little time.