Nintendo Download Update – BLOK DROP U, NES Open Tournament Golf
There’s definitely a lack of new content on the eShop this week, so BLOK DROP U, the new Wii U digital release, is the pretty obvious highlight.
There’s definitely a lack of new content on the eShop this week, so BLOK DROP U, the new Wii U digital release, is the pretty obvious highlight.
Nintendo this morning announced an egg-cellent, green-colored, Yoshi themed Nintendo 3DS XL which will launch alongside Yoshi?s New Island.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy for the Nintendo 3DS is surely the big release this week on the eShop…. though My Farm for the Wii U may be a close second.
Register a new 3DS, 2DS or 3DS XL system along with one of six games and you’ll earn a free Pok?mon download next month.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was awarded the highest grade here at Gaming Age, and if you’re interested in owning it digitally, you can grab it from the eShop beginning today.
Tie-wearing gorilla wages war against Viking-themed penguins while the fate of all bananas hang in the balance. Yup, sounds like Donkey Kong.
And yet another classic Nintendo character has signed up to kick some ass in Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.
If you’ve missed Bayonetta, she’s back in a selection of brand new screens and an action-packed trailer for her Wii U exclusive sequel.
As part of this evening’s Nintendo Direct event, Nintendo unveiled the latest Mario Kart 8 footage for the Wii U.
Not all that much this week besides Konami’s Contra sequel as a Virtual Console release and a new Spin the Bottle update. Check ’em out.
A one-two punch of quality Nintendo 3DS titles are finally launching this week.
While Nintendo’s systems may be experiencing a bit of a lull in terms of 3rd party releases, the company today touted their upcoming indie release schedule.
Last night, Nintendo briefed the world (and their investors first and foremost), on their plans as a company moving forward. Are they on the right track?
It’s another somewhat uneventful Nintendo eShop update except for a few high profile Virtual Console releases.
A true Final Fantasy V successor in everything but name, Bravely Default doesn’t disappoint as it finally makes its way to North America.
Another somewhat sparse Nintendo eShop update for this week with only a couple of Virtual Console items and a few sales.
It’s slim pickings this week on the eShop for both the 3DS and the Wii U.