Mighty No. 9 goes gold, will launch on June 21st, 2016
Could it be true? Is Keiji Inafune/Comcept’s oft-delayed Mighty No. 9 finally done and ready to be shipped out to eager fans and Kickstarter backers?
Could it be true? Is Keiji Inafune/Comcept’s oft-delayed Mighty No. 9 finally done and ready to be shipped out to eager fans and Kickstarter backers?
Comcept and Deep Silver have released a mighty fine looking 60fps gameplay trailer for Mighty No. 9.
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, Tecmo Koei’s zombified new Ninja Gaiden spinoff, was announced last September. Today, we received news that the game will be powered by UE3 and have some brand new screens.