Namco Bandai reveals gamescom 2012 lineup
Say TANK! TANK! TANK! you to Namco Bandai for letting us know which games are going to be in attendance at this year’s Euro gaming expo.
Say TANK! TANK! TANK! you to Namco Bandai for letting us know which games are going to be in attendance at this year’s Euro gaming expo.
Square Enix this morning announced their full lineup for the upcoming gamescom 2012 event scheduled for August 15th – 19th in Cologne, Germany. Expect plenty of Tomb Raider, Hitman: Absolution, Sleeping Dogs, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and mobile titles.
Ubisoft will be present at gamescom 2012 in a huge way. The Euro gaming event, which takes place in Cologne, Germany beginning on August 16th, sounds as if it’ll be easily as large as the E3 this year. See what Ubi will be showing off.