Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition review for Xbox One, PS4
The superior Switch version of Dragon Quest XI lands on Xbox One and PS4.
The superior Switch version of Dragon Quest XI lands on Xbox One and PS4.
Great news Dragon Quest fans, the latest entry in the series has reached another sales milestone.
A Definitive Edition that actually feels definitive.
Even though the franchise doesn’t quite bring in the big numbers of a proper new Final Fantasy installment, Dragon Quest XI has done quite well for Square Enix globally.
Dragon Quest finally returns to the West with this fantastic release of Dragon Quest XI.
Square Enix invites us all to meet DQXI’s interesting, colorful and diverse cast of main characters.
You can pretty much always count on Square Enix to be present at any reasonably popular expo or conference, such as the upcoming Anime Expo 2018 kicking off later this week.
Details on the special edition versions of DQXI, new E3 screens and trailer, and more!
And here we go… Square Enix early this morning finally announced a western release date and updated game details for Dragon Quest XI. New trailers and screens within.
Square Enix this morning revealed that the next big numbered Dragon Quest title is officially coming to North America and Europe next year.