RICO: London review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC
A game that enjoys its core mechanic so much, it forgets to give you anything else to do.
A game that enjoys its core mechanic so much, it forgets to give you anything else to do.
The NG may stand for No Good, but this game is actually quite good.
There?s niche, there?s extremely niche, and then there?s Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~.
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk helps Aksys Games’ “Summer of Mystery” go out on a high note.
Not even a terrible title can take away too much from a fairly compelling mystery.
A game that delivers exactly what its title implies: school girls hunting zombies.
Tokyo Xanadu makes the jump to the PS4. Is it still worth playing?
Fighting monsters, making friends, and juggling part-time jobs…not necessarily in that order.
There’s nothing like the threat of murder to liven up a romance novel.
A pair of 3DS puzzle games are given new life on the Vita. But should they have been?
Period Cube: for those times when you wish Sword Art Online had way less action and way more romancing of bland hunks.
A nice update to one of the best 2.5d brawlers available this generation.
The third Zero Escape title is officially heading to the PlayStation 4 sometime this fall.
The latest and greatest iteration of Guilty Gear Xrd will be headed to North American PS4s in the very near future. Details and screens within.
You sunk my battleshi… err… ghost.