Wii U, Nintendo Network Details Emerge
Nintendo of Japan had its quarterly earnings meeting with shareholders and some nuggets of information have made its way out regarding the Wii U, Nintendo Network and 3DS. Read on.
Nintendo of Japan had its quarterly earnings meeting with shareholders and some nuggets of information have made its way out regarding the Wii U, Nintendo Network and 3DS. Read on.
Namco Bandai and Capcom today revealed more Sony exclusive fighters for Street Fighter X Tekken… and they are quite the interesting choices. Check them out in action.
Steam has an iOS/Android app now, in beta for select press and soon to be selected members. What at first looks like a glrofied mobile storefront actually appears to serve as a functional app, and as someone who is logged in on my PC practically 24/7, having a home-away-from home for maintaining chats and interacting…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and CD Projekt RED today confirmed that their anticipated PC to Xbox 360 adaptation of the award-winning RPG, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, is set to launch on April 17th, 2012 in North America.
Today is your chance to join the Batz or the Jokerz and become a Gotham City Impostor for free, at least for a little while. Download the new beta and check out the latest trailer. The real Batman not included…
We still don’t have a solid release date for what may be one of the most popular upcoming Kinect titles, but we have a new trailer to hopefully force a little excitement, and a chuckle, out of those waiting to hear or see more about the game.
The Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii versions of the Cartoon Network battle royale are on sale for today at Amazon. You can still get the 250GB Xbox 360 Kinect Holiday Bundle for $50 off also.
An interesting selection of Nintendo Downloads for this week, with Mutant Mudds and the Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games demo for the 3DS probably being the highlights.
On paper, Scarygirl sounds like a unique platformer, but once you get past the opening “oohs and ahhs” the game struggles to keep your interest and you may find yourself wanting more for your $15.
Puddle and Quarrel, two simply-titled games are the big Xbox Live Arcade releases for this week. One is a word war, boardgame of sorts and the other is a unique, fluid physpics-based puzzle platformer.
From the full PlayStation Move support, to the all new broadcast-style presentation, online and PS Vita functionality, and more accurate physics, MLB 12 is quite a bit improved over last year’s iteration. See it in action.
EA Sports is going all out with their new FIFA Street title. Along with some seriously fun gameplay, the street soccer title will feature a strong social networking aspect to help build the community. First screens and details.
A super deal just in time for the Super Bowl. Check it out at Amazon.
Are you tired of these yet? Did you enjoy the Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo? Well, either way, this is the very last video doc from Square Enix for the game, so enjoy it.
If you haven’t done so already, get in on the Greatest Hits or Platinum Hits version of the excellent next-gen Batman title that started it all. Remember, the Xbox 360 Kinect Holiday Bundle is only $349.99 right now also.
There’s a nice amount of stuff to download in this week’s PlayStation Store Update, with Scarygirl, several demos, the Gotham City Imposters beta and the full PS3 titles being the highlights.
Death is a pretty busy guy, and THQ and Vigil Games want to highlight that a bit in the latest media for Darksiders II. Read on for a Death Eternal trailer and selection of screens.