Nintendo Download Update – Code Name: S.T.E.A.M., 3D Out Run
Not a bad selection of brand new Nintendo eShop releases for this week.
Not a bad selection of brand new Nintendo eShop releases for this week.
Happy Friday the 13th! Check out Jason in action along with other new game details.
One of the most highly anticipated SEGA 3D Classics finally arrives on the 3DS eShop today.
Can a Tim Burton-esque flair make Desert Ashes more than just another turn-based tactics game?
What in the what? Sega today announced that they are collaborating with Game Freak on a rather interesting new action platformer.
A good little game…with a heavy emphasis on both “good” and “little”.
Street Fighter V-branded PS4 FightSticks, Tournament Edition FightSticks and FightPad controllers are slated to be released alongside the game.
Well, we can say we didn’t sorta expect this… Sony and Naughty Dog this morning confirmed that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will not be hitting the PS4 this year.
Containing both Classic and Story Mode, this remake of Etrian Odyssey 2 will hit sometime this summer for 3DS.
I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you. But also, screenshots!
Yet another tough as nails platformer makes it way to the Vita. Is this one worth your time? Read on to find out!
This week’s PS Store update is pretty damn hot… and we’re not just talking about the PS Vita release of Flame Over.
Sony’s PlayStation Plus-exclusive episodic series makes its debut on PlayStation platforms, online and on Youtube.
The long-awaited screenshot feature is here, along with party chat enhancements an Upload app and more.
XSEED Games’ popular Senran Kagura series makes the jump onto the 3DS with a new 2.5D side-scrolling brawler.
The bikini zombie squad is back together again and ready to slay some zombies this summer.
The third episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2, dubbed Judgment, drops this week. Check out my thoughts on this episode behind the cut.