Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion launches May 19th
After months of speculation, rumors and leaks, Activision and Bungie have finally revealed details, and a trailer, for Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D review for 3DS
Xenoblade Chronicles makes the transition from Wii to the New 3DS in deft fashion, retaining all the elements that make this one of the best RPG’s released this decade.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt official gameplay trailer rides into town
Heads up all you RPG fans, CD PROJEKT RED has released a fresh new, 5 minute long gameplay trailer this morning.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD ships over a million copies
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Square Enix’s heavily remastered release of their PSP Final Fantasy title has already topped 1 million units shipped worldwide.

Xbox Games Store Update – Tower of Guns
So far there’s only one new digital Xbox One release available via the Xbox Games Store, and that’s Tower of Guns.

Life Is Strange – Episode 1 & 2 review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
Awkward dialogue and slow pace aside, gamers looking for a different type of experience between big budget game releases should consider Dontnod and Square Enix’s new episodic series.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III teaser takes us #backinblack
Welp, it’s official. Call of Duty: Black Ops III is in development by Treyarch and is set to be released this year.

Nintendo Download Update – Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Etrian Mystery Dungeon
We hope you like Nintendo 3DS RPGs, because that’s what you’re getting this week.

LEGO Dimensions breaks the rules with new LEGO experience on consoles
LEGO minifigures and worlds come to life in Warner Bros. and The LEGO Group’s own “interactive entertainment experience” for consoles. Details, trailer and screens!

MLB 15: The Show review for PS4, PS3, PS Vita
Another year, another version of The Show that still can’t figure out how this whole “online” thing works.

Adam Jensen returns in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
As already revealed by Square Enix and Game Informer, the next installment in the Deus Ex franchise has been officially revealed. First details and trailer.

Xbox One gets over-the-air TV support starting today
Xbox One owners who prefer to use their console as a set-top box are getting yet another way to watch live TV starting today.

Metal Slug 3 review for PS Vita, PS4, PS3
Fifteen years after it first came out, is Metal Slug 3 worth playing on the go?

PlayStation Store Update – Bastion, Aaru’s Awakening, MonsterBag, Stealth Inc. 2
Thanks to the PS Plus Instant Game Collection titles launching this week, and the Spring Fever event, there are quite a lot of new releases hitting the PS Store today.

It’s about time… Yo-kai Watch 3DS coming to North America
The popular Japanese Nintendo 3DS RPG title is finally leaving Japan, courtesy of Nintendo.

Out of the Park Baseball 16 review for PC
The ultimate in nerdy, stats-oriented wish fulfillment.