Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
CyberConnect2’s long-running Naruto series makes its way to new-gen consoles, and boy oh boy does it look spectacular.
CyberConnect2’s long-running Naruto series makes its way to new-gen consoles, and boy oh boy does it look spectacular.
The Assassin’s Creed fatigue is real… and even Ubisoft may be finally feeling it.
The Wii U eShop update is a little bit Odd this week… as in the excellent release of Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.
If you haven’t picked up an Xbox One and perhaps were looking forward to Quantum Break, then Microsoft may have a bundle for you. Details and a new trailer within.
To spite the dramatic delay and odd launch issues, Evolution Studios is still very much hard at work on Driveclub.
A wonderfully deep turn based strategy sequel that scratches that sci-fi itch.
Telltale Games has revealed that the first episode of their The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series will kick off a bit later this month. New media and details.
Psyonix’s well-deserved hit is scheduled to launch for the Xbox One on February 17th.
There’s a ton of new digital releases hitting the PlayStation Store this week, so it probably won’t be an easy task to decide where to get started.
It’s another solid Xbox Games Store Update for Xbox One owners this week. Update: even more new releases including In Space We Brawl, D/Generation HD.
Konami is still fully committed to the Metal Gear Online experience, and today the company revealed details for their upcoming DLC and game update.
So you wanna learn a little bit about Far Cry Primal, eh?
Yoshi and Kirby aren?t the only ones having fun with yarn. Enter Yarny!
If you’re still on-board the Hitman train after the announcement of it going episodic, then you should be excited for the launch of the upcoming Hitman Beta for the PS4 and PC.
Bandai Namco this morning released a dramatic new Dark Souls III opening cinematic trailer.
Several new digital releases have landed on the Xbox Games Store this week.