HTC Vive, Oculus Rift recover from shipping delays for high-demand VR headsets
The wait for VR continues, but there’s a light on the horizon.

Activision and Sony Pictures team up for new Ghostbusters games
Console and mobile platforms are set to get slimed with a pair of new Ghostbusters games.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst closed beta goes live next week
A select group of Mirror’s Edge fans will get to take the game out for a test run later next week.

Nintendo eShop Update – Bravely Second: End Layer, Asdivine Hearts, Draw 2 Survive
Unlike last week’s somewhat vacant set of new releases, this week’s Nintendo eShop update is pretty jam-packed with new Wii U and Nintendo 3DS titles.

Splatoon is getting a SpongeBob Splatfest next week
Now this is a Splatoon Splatfest we’re really interested in! And no, Squidward is not invited to the party.

EA maps out Star Wars Battlefront spring updates, summer expansion
The Bespin expansion gets a June release, and EA and DICE drop off some new info for the upcoming free content and special events they have lined up.

Kobe Bryant scores the NBA 2K17 Legend Edition cover
If you’re sad to see Kobe Bryant retire… then at least you can take solace in the fact that his career will live on in NBA 2K17 forever (more or less).

Xbox Games Store Update – Dark Souls III, Blues and Bullets Ep. 2
Even though there’s only a couple of new Xbox One digital releases available so far this week, we’re expecting that to change fairly soon.

Battleborn open beta begins for all platforms today
For all those potential Battleborn fans out there interested in taking Gearbox’s latest creation out for a spin.

PlayStation Store Update – Ratchet & Clank, Dark Souls III, Risk of Rain
There are definitely some heavy hitters launching on the PlayStation Store this week.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Eclipse “Zetsubou No Shima” Zombies trailer is live
Get a look at the latest chapter in the upcoming Black Ops III co-op Zombies saga.

Zen Studios ready to roll out Aliens vs. Pinball on April 26th
Just when we think that Zen Studios has possibly run out of properties to turn into videogame pinball…

Bungie drops off a Destiny 2.2.0 April Update preview trailer
The Bungie Live team has assembled a new preview trailer showing off a little bit of everything that Destiny fans can expect from the new content and game update tomorrow.