Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package coming to PS4 on December 5th
Capcom’s Dead Rising 4 is finally confirmed for the PS4. Check out all that… content.

Nintendo releasing a trio of new Shovel Knight amiibo figures next year
Darn it Nintendo, enough of the amiibo figures. We’re running out of shelf space.

Xbox Games Store Update – AeternoBlade, Rock Of Ages 2, Killing Floor 2
Another week, another huge new batch of diverse, digital Xbox One games and bundles.

Battlefield 1 – In the Name of the Tsar DLC drops on September 5th, 2017
EA and DICE are preparing to drop an explosively new huge Battlefield 1 expansion beginning on September 5th, 2017.

Jaws Pinball trailer, screens emerge from the deep, dark ocean
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water? Zen Studios unleashes a new Jaws Pinball gameplay trailer, media and an upcoming livestream.

The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
The Metronomicon combines rhythmic inputs with RPG battles in a unique blend that actually works.

Now there’s an epic Destiny 2 live-action launch trailer
Bungie and Activision share an epic and stylish new commercial for Destiny 2.

It’s Spring Again review for PS Vita
For all those 2- and 3-year-old PlayStation Vita owners.

The creator of Katamari Damacy reveals his weird & wonderful new game: Wattam
Keita Takahashi, best known for the out-of-this-world selection of game projects that include Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy finally reveals his new project.

Nintendo eShop Update – LEGO Worlds, League of Evil, R.B.I. Baseball 17
It’s hard to come back down to earth after that monster Nindie eShop announcement yesterday, but we’ll definitely try. Check out this week’s eShop releases.

Everybody’s Golf review for PS4
Fore! The latest and greatest Hot Shots Go.. err.. Everybody’s Golf game is an enjoyable online and offline videogame golf experience.

Get a look at 20+ Nindies headed to the Nintendo Switch
New No More Heroes, Shovel Knight, Super Meat Boy games in development, among others.

PS Plus members get inFamous: Second Son, Strike Vector Ex, Hue free for September 2017
Booo, the summer is almost over… But hey, at least there’s a new batch of free PlayStation Plus titles about to be released.

Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! review for PS Vita, PS4
Is “twitch dungeon-crawler” a genre? Because if it isn’t, Cladun Returns makes a pretty strong case a) that it should be, and b) for being at its forefront.

What is Destiny 2? This fun new trailer answers that not-so-difficult question
Bungie drops off a fun new trailer which shows off a little more of what to expect from their epic action shooter sequel.

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure review for PS Vita, Xbox One, PC
For about two minutes, I was really into Mr. Pumpkin Adventure…