Tales of Xillia 2 coming to PS3 in 2014
The sequel to Namco Bandai’s popular PS3 RPG is officially headed to North America. First screens and trailer from the TGS.
Videogame Screenshots
The sequel to Namco Bandai’s popular PS3 RPG is officially headed to North America. First screens and trailer from the TGS.
Namco Bandai sent over a brutal new Dark Souls II trailer for the Tokyo Game Show appropriately titled “Aching Bones” along with some new screens.
Remember that DBZ / Naruto cross-promotion for Ultimate Ninja Storm 3? Well, now it’s time for Goku to shine, along with some other pre-order announcements.
Time to sail the high seas with Monkey D. Luffy and his band of eclectic fighters with One Piece: Romance Dawn, hitting the 3DS this holiday season.
We thought that it seemed like a long-shot that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle for the PS3 would make it stateside, but I guess we thought wrong.
During this morning’s Nintendo Direct event, Nintendo announced a number of new fitness-based activities and initiatives for Wii U owners.
Capcom today announced that the Nintendo 3DS-bound Phoenix Wright case is set to hit the platform on October 24th as an eShop digital download. New screens too.
Capcom today dug a bit deeper into Dead Rising 3 and released details and a ton of new screens for their Xbox One launch game.
EA Sports today sent over what they claim is the very first screenshot of NBA Live 14 running on next generation hardware.
Grand Theft Auto V will be unleashed onto the world in only 4 days from now and Rockstar is still finding time to hype the hell out of it.
Following up on the announcement about a month ago comes a new Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y update which includes even more mega-evolution details, screens and a trailer.
NIS America dropped off a pair of new gameplay videos and a selection of new screens of their next Disgaea title for the PS3, Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness.
This morning, Square Enix confirmed the full cast for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and released a new set of screens showing them all in action.
During their Digital Days event, Ubisoft revealed a stunning new side-scrolling adventure/RPG title named Child of Light. First screens, trailer and details.
Done with Star Wars, Zen Studios is not. Check out the new set of tables headed to Star Wars Pinball.
New screens and details for those looking to spend some time in and around Los Santos later this month.
In Nintendo’s Pok?mon-themed Nintendo Direct event this morning, the company announced a few new details for the upcoming release of Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y.