The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing review for PC, XBLA
Ravage the Undead as a famous Monster Hunter in The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.
Xbox 360 Reviews
Ravage the Undead as a famous Monster Hunter in The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing.
Voted “Game Most Likely Forgotten” this generation. Does that mean it’s worth ignoring?
A good, but not great sequel that offers a deep racing experience that should please any diehard fan.
Check out the new and impressive gameplay demo trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, as shown during the Microsoft Conference today.
Take one part Angry Birds, and one part real time strategy and you have a fun game from ZEN Studios that will hook you in for hours.
Fuse may not go down in history as a memorable classic as compared to other Insomniac franchises, but it should find its co-op audience.
It was cold in the tunnels, but we had to fight for our survival. PC gamers could not continue to live on console ports of games alone…
Even with it’s unique pairing of two genres, Sanctum 2 doesn’t really offer too much to get excited about.
Raid Mode > Mercenaries. That’s right, come at me bro.
If you consider yourself a Madden super-fan and want the very best version of Madden 25, you’ll have to buy the game at Amazon this year.
Dragon’s Dogma returns with a new expansion, including the core game for anyone that missed out on one of the best action RPG experiences of this gen.
Have you ever wanted to see Brock Samson and Claptrap play Poker with GLaDOS? Have I got a game for you?.
This side scrolling spin-off of the Sacred game series might win over some new fans.
Set your faces to stunned?but not in a good way. At least fans still have a kick ass film sequel to look forward to, right?
Thunder in Paradise, minus Hulk Hogan. Plus zombies.
Gears of War: Judgment gets its first paid DLC map pack with Call to Arms, and the result is pretty underwhelming.