Awesomenauts review for PSN, XBLA
Awesomenauts is well…pretty awesome. A 2D Multiplayer Online Battle Arena that really shines on consoles, you’re sure to be addicted to this one in no time. Read more in the full review behind the link!
Xbox Live Arcade Reviews
Awesomenauts is well…pretty awesome. A 2D Multiplayer Online Battle Arena that really shines on consoles, you’re sure to be addicted to this one in no time. Read more in the full review behind the link!
Telltale Game’s interpretation of Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead shambles onto digital platforms, continuing Telltale’s adventure game revival set against the backdrop of the zombie apocalypse. It’s far better title than Jurassic Park, and shows a whole lot of promise for upcoming episodes. Read more in the full review!
A fighting game developed for the fighting game community by the fighting game community that’s an absolute steal at $15.
Vroooom! Trials Evolution speeds onto XBLA in fine form, offering up a incredibly addictive sequel to the smash-hit Trials HD. RedLynx manages to outdo themselves again, and this time with style.
Phil Fish’s long anticipated platformer Fez finally arrives on XBLA, and the long wait has really paid off. Incredible puzzle and world design more than make up for a small number of technical issues, read more in the full review behind the link!
An iOS favorite makes it’s way to Xbox Live Arcade in the form of Anomaly: Warzone Earth. How does this port fare? Read the full review to find out!
The Pinball Arcade finally hits consoles with four exciting tables, and a whole lot of pinball love. Awesome presentation, amazing detail, and some of the best video game pinball physics around make this a must have.
For shootemup fans everywhere, Sine Mora is a must-have. It’s [trendy praise prose] and [Metacritic quote compliment] that fills a modern genre hole that HD ports just don’t seal.
Conceptually it?s like a non-boring version of The Road, mixed with Book of Eli-style action and Uncharted urban climbing… In reality, it?s crushed by marred controls and poor implementation.
One of those games that provides just enough knowledge of what is happening in your surroundings, yet never dwells on dialog or a story, but still manages to make its point.
WIth plenty of action and Twilight Zone-style scares, Remedy Entertainment proves again that you can get full fledged game play from a downloadable title.
A quick look at the recently released DLC for Final Fantasy XIII-2, featuring playable versions of Lightning and Lt. Amodar. Not a bad addition for the asking price, but not without some minor frustrations.
Gotham City Impostors offers something that is exactly the same as Call of Duty, but completely different. In other words, it?s worth a shot.
So Shank 2 is out. It’s called Shank 2, and is exactly what you’d expect from a game called Shank 2: more Shank in the form of a sequel. Shank is still a badass; he blows stuff up, rescues ladies, and he still… audible sigh… he still shanks people.
Role Playing Games meet Pinball… well kinda. See if Zen Pinball’s unique new add-on for Zen Pinball and Pinball FX2 is worth the price.
Just like the characters themselves, The Simpsons Arcade Game is just timeless… but will everyone still appreciate the game after all these years? Read on to find out what we think.
Does Puddle bring enough puzzle to pony up the pennies on XBLA and PSN? Bazinga Sheldon, I found a puzzle game just for you.