Rayman Legends review for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, PC
If you have any love for side-scrolling platformers, 2D art or Rayman, jumping into Rayman Legends on any platform should be an absolute treat.
PlayStation Vita Reviews
If you have any love for side-scrolling platformers, 2D art or Rayman, jumping into Rayman Legends on any platform should be an absolute treat.
2012’s Game of the Year arrives on the PS Vita, and it’s loading…loading…loading…
Does pink paint and a bow justify a sequel to a five-month-old game? Read on and find out.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s an updated version of a slightly above-average ’90s platformer.
Does Divekick get an S-rank, or is it just a fighting game in-joke that’s gone too far? Read on to find out!
Boobs, Golden Axe, Dungeons & Dragons, Japan.
Are you interested? We’ve got a two-for-one review for Vanillaware’s latest 2D work.
An enjoyable and challenging platform-puzzler for the PS Vita and PS3 that’s equal parts insanely addictive and fiendishly difficult.
A rare case where keeping things just as they were, only prettier, works out pretty well.
Wherein an iOS platformer is drastically improved by the addition of buttons. Shocking stuff, we know.
Hotline Miami is ridiculously hard, brutally violent, and requires meticulous planning every step of the way. It’s also one of the best games of the year.
A few enhancements here and there can’t get around the fact that this portable port of a thoroughly mediocre game is still, ultimately, mediocre.
Coming as it does after FuturLab’s first full-fledged Vita game, Velocity Ultra, Coconut Dodge Revitalised feels like a bit of a letdown.
Velocity Ultra is a treat to play. It looks great, it sounds great and it plays great. It is, quite simply, just a great game. for the PS Vita.
Believe it or not, tilling fields, sowing seeds, and harvesting crops makes for a nearly perfect portable PS Vita experience.
Muramasa trades in its console counterpart for a sleeker, more compact platform.
The Jak & Daxter Collection finally arrives on the PS Vita, bringing all three PS2 classics to the Vita in one portable bundle.