Dear Esther: Landmark Edition review for Xbox One, PS4
All the fun and excitement of moping around on a craggy, windswept island, now on consoles.
PlayStation 4 Reviews
All the fun and excitement of moping around on a craggy, windswept island, now on consoles.
Does Rock Band Rivals put the music genre right where it belongs?
A horror game that falls just a little short of its goals.
Paul spends some time playing wit… err… unboxing a handful of the new Lego Dimensions – Year 2 expansion sets.
Exile’s End may not do any one thing horrifically badly, but it’s still undeniably a bad game.
Jazzpunk is what would happen if first-person shooters, adventure games, and spy movies got together and had a baby. A very, very weird baby.
Titanfall 2 features an excellent campaign melded with the multiplayer groundwork from the first entry in the series.
The twists just get better and better.
Come, Ashen Ones, step into the painted world of Ariandel.
Sports Bar VR is fun for a bit, but ends up dull… just like a real sports bar!
Even though Rez is a couple of generations old, it still makes a good case for virtual reality.
In a nutshell, THIS is what VR was designed for!
Hail to the King All over again… Out with the old, in with the slightly better old!
Time to head back to Arkham and collect those riddles you ignored years ago.
Benny spends some time with a number of smaller PlayStation VR experiences such as Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Ace Banana, Brookhaven Experiment, Job Simulator and others.