Super Hydorah review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One
It’s a super-hard shmup. That’s literally all there is to say about Super Hydorah.
PlayStation 4 Reviews
It’s a super-hard shmup. That’s literally all there is to say about Super Hydorah.
Killing giant monsters with giant weapons , but now in high definition.
Square Enix’s classic JRPG finally makes it to the current generation. Was it worth the wait?
Platform: PS Vita Also On: PS4 Publisher: InXile Entertainment Developer: InXile Entertainment Medium: Digital Players: 1 Online: No ESRB: T Given that The Bard?s Tale originally came out on PS2 and the original Xbox back in 2004, it shouldn?t come as a surprise to anyone that the game is showing its age a decade and…
One of the Wii’s best platformers arrives on next-gen systems. Does it still hold up nearly a decade later?
Is nostalgia for the early days of first-person shooters enough to carry a game? One More Dungeon certainly hopes it is.
If ever there was a case of “newcomers need not apply,” it’s with Summon Night 6.
A retro-inspired, tough as nails platformer that, for once, doesn’t feel like it’s punishing people just for playing.
A game that delivers exactly what its title implies: school girls hunting zombies.
Not even wonky smartphone controls can hide the fact that Hidden Agenda is a pretty outstanding game.
As JRPGs go, Dark Rose Valkyrie pretty much defines “mediocre.”
Brevity is the soul of a pretty good platformer.
Double Dragon on a budget — a very, very, very low budget.
What’s better than a SHMUP? The Director’s Cut, duh!
Okami finally gets the treatment it deserves. Not only in HD, but preserved on PC!