Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is both literally and figuratively the literal bomb.
PlayStation 4 Reviews
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is both literally and figuratively the literal bomb.
The third installment in the Darksiders series ends up lost between the successes and the failures of the previous two titles.
Sunless Sea offers you moody Victorian horror, but if you want to fully appreciate it, you?re going to have to work at it.
An expanded and enhanced version of Digital Dreams’ enjoyable, pick-up-and-play arcade football title.
Battlefield V is a mixed bag that will satisfy some and leave others wanting more.
A couch-co-op platformer that *gasp* plays best when you play it with someone else.
The Spyro Reignited Trilogy manages to recapture the magic of the original games and present them in an entirely new way to both the original audience and a new generation of Spyro fanatics.
Ever wanted to beat someone to death with a blueberry muffin? Here?s your chance!
A short, but sweet VR adventure that leaves a lasting impression.
Tetris + Lumines = A lot of great music, visuals, and block dropping gameplay.
An “arcade style” shooter that unfortunately doesn’t work on any level.
Don?t let the flatulence jokes fool you: Sigi wants to kill you, again and again and again.
Anamorphine is what happens when you cross the kernel of a good idea with terrible execution.
Have you had your fill of the Webhead? I certainly have not.