Strider review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
Strider gets the reboot treatment for current and last gen systems courtesy of developer Double Helix and Capcom. Is the world ready for the return of Strider Hiryu?
PlayStation 4 Reviews
Strider gets the reboot treatment for current and last gen systems courtesy of developer Double Helix and Capcom. Is the world ready for the return of Strider Hiryu?
Not quite as AWESOME as the movie, but still a solid new LEGO game worth checking out.
Tomb Raider hits PS4 and Xbox One with a self-proclaimed Definitive Edition, and actually manages to deliver on that subtitle.
The best video game rendition of pinball comes to the PS4 with The Pinball Arcade, featuring a whole host of iconic pinball tables available to play right now.
This is the definitive console version of Battlefield 4 to get if you have the choice.
We find out how many rivals it takes to help launch a new console generation.
Ho-hum, just another game where you fly through space on a dog, help snowmen warm up, and fall in love with a balloon. You know, all the staples of the psychological testing-adventure genre.
FIFA 14 on next-gen consoles is a love letter to soccer fans.
Contrast may look amazing, but does its gameplay measure up to its visuals? Read our review and find out!
If you’ve ever wished that your games had more endless manual labor, Super Motherload may be the game for you.
The next generation of football begins, but Madden NFL 25 stumbles just a bit.
Injustice isn’t a PS4 upgrade that seems to be a significant improvement, but I can’t deny that it’s still one heck of a fantastic fighter.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag on the PlayStation 4 brings the visual fidelity more in line with the scope and scale this pirate-fueled adventure deserves.
Killzone: Shadow Fall is certainly one of the best looking games in the PlayStation 4 launch line-up, but looks aren’t everything.