Pool Nation review for PSN, XBLA
Pool Nation is first time in my life I’ve ever played pool in any form and not totally embarrassed myself.
PlayStation 3 Reviews
Pool Nation is first time in my life I’ve ever played pool in any form and not totally embarrassed myself.
Even with new features and enhancements, this series is starting to smell like an old locker room.
Anime fan service and then some! But is it enough to make this JRPG great? Not by a long shot.
Storm isn’t a game that is going to knock your socks off, but what it does do is provide a nice puzzle game for fans who like their brand of puzzles a little more laid back and thought-oriented.
Telltale Games attempts to bridge gap between Season One and Two of their Walking Dead series with this DLC featuring five short stories with all new characters.
High Moon Studios takes a hard to define Marvel property with everyone’s favorite Merc’ with a Mouth, and delivers a decent game for comic book fans.
Here’s something I never thought I’d say about a hidden object game: Mountain Crime: Requital’s biggest problem is that it may be a little too ambitious.
Voted “Game Most Likely Forgotten” this generation. Does that mean it’s worth ignoring?
A good, but not great sequel that offers a deep racing experience that should please any diehard fan.
A brutal and shockingly unflinching look at humanity in a post-pandemic world which also happens to be one hell of an intense videogame experience.
Check out the new and impressive gameplay demo trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, as shown during the Microsoft Conference today.
An interesting combination of Risk-style turn-based strategy and match-3 gameplay that’s perfect for gaming on the go… except this version isn’t portable.
Fuse may not go down in history as a memorable classic as compared to other Insomniac franchises, but it should find its co-op audience.
It was cold in the tunnels, but we had to fight for our survival. PC gamers could not continue to live on console ports of games alone…
A slightly improved version of the odd and insane, yet surprisingly appealing survival horror experience.
If you’re an RTS-loving PS Vita or PS3 owner then unfortunately Zombie Tycoon 2 is most definitely not the game you’re looking for.
Raid Mode > Mercenaries. That’s right, come at me bro.