Category: Reviews
Videogame Reviews
Skul: The Hero Slayer review for PC
Don?t forget to keep your head on in this tough, but fair rogue-lite!
Under The Jolly Roger review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One/Series X
Under The Jolly Roger is better than a lot of other mobile ports, but does that mean it?s worth checking out?
Yakuza Remastered Collection review for PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox One
Eschewing the Kiwami experience, PC and Xbox gamers can finally enjoy the mid to back half of Kazuma Kiryu?s tale.
Cyber Shadow review for Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC
A remarkable throwback to NES-era action games, Cyber Shadow is an absolute blast.
Hitman 3 review for PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Agent 47’s latest trilogy goes out with a bang (and an electrocution, and an explosion, and a well-timed push off the side of a building).
S.U.M. – Slay Uncool Monsters review for Nintendo Switch
As educational games go, this one is pretty awe-SUM.
Electro Ride: The Neon Racing review for Nintendo Switch
Is this a good racing game? Nyet.
Professor Rubik’s Brain Fitness review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Professor Rubik’s Brain Fitness is somnolent, soporific, dull, boring, lifeless, and sleepy.
Micetopia review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
For a Metroidvania, Micetopia is awfully linear.
Roundout by POWGI review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
More words than you can shake a dictionary at.
Cloudbase Prime review for Nintendo Switch
Cloudbase Prime has some interesting pieces, but the whole is a little lacking.
Even the Ocean review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
The visual novel-platformer hybrid you probably never knew you needed.