Defiance review for Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Strap yourselves in while I rant about why Defiance should be a good game, but isn’t. MMO launch Stockholm Syndrome is a hell of a thing.
Videogame Reviews
Strap yourselves in while I rant about why Defiance should be a good game, but isn’t. MMO launch Stockholm Syndrome is a hell of a thing.
Let’s Fish! Hooked On is surely the best fishing game available for the PlayStation Vita. It’s also the only fishing game available for the system…
Dillon and company roll back into action on the 3DS with this tower defense action hybrid from the developers at Vanpool.
Machinarium is a feast for the senses and a treat for your brain, and there’s nothing else on the PS Vita like it.
Better than the original release of Ninja Gaiden 3, but still a ninja slice below previous games in the franchise.
Guacamelee! has hit PSN and entered candidacy for Pun of the Year, but can we eat it with chips? Find out in our review for Drinkbox’s newest 2D outing.
Capcom continues to release obscure arcade classics that defined the term “Rage Quit”.
What began as a blatant copy of Super Mario Bros. resurfaces to try and distance itself from it’s troubled past.
Omerta: City of Gangsters certainly gets some love for a unique SRPG setting, but there’s not enough here past the concept stage to make this as cool as it should be.
Terraria’s one of those games you’ll either love or find irredeemably boring. Which side does Matthew land on? Click through to find out.
Atelier Totori Plus is one of the deepest, most enjoyable RPGs I’ve played on the Vita, and that’s all there is to it.
Take a wild ride across the skyrails of Columbia in this excellent return to form for the Bioshock series.
While not a bad action game, this mediocre third entry in the Army of Two series should scream “nothing more to see here!”
A great portable version of one of the year’s best 3D fighters, with a few added bonuses!
It's a great effort by Capcom, and a decent game, but it is by no means an Resident Evil 4 replacement (which is what everyone is hoping for).
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon marks a sequel that was well worth the 12 year wait. More mansions, more ghosts, and more puzzles mark a memorable romp through another solo Luigi adventure.
It’s not worth a double dip if you own the game on another system, but if you have a younger child and/or are really interested in jumping in, I do highly recommend the Wii U version.