Bad Bots review for PC
Bad Bots showcases a few moments of classic game homage done right, but control issues and unremarkable combat design really dampen the fun here.
Videogame Reviews
Bad Bots showcases a few moments of classic game homage done right, but control issues and unremarkable combat design really dampen the fun here.
CCP Games enters the console space with Dust 514, a free-to-play online shooter that ties directly into the existing PC title Eve Online.
An interesting combination of Risk-style turn-based strategy and match-3 gameplay that’s perfect for gaming on the go… except this version isn’t portable.
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D will make you fall in love with the 3DS all over again, while simultaneously making you want to smash it to pieces.
Fuse may not go down in history as a memorable classic as compared to other Insomniac franchises, but it should find its co-op audience.
It was cold in the tunnels, but we had to fight for our survival. PC gamers could not continue to live on console ports of games alone…
If ever there was a game that deserved more recognition than it has gotten, Life of Pixel would be it.
Even with it’s unique pairing of two genres, Sanctum 2 doesn’t really offer too much to get excited about.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is pure, distilled, western action at its finest. It’s great enough to make The Cartel feel like it never happened.
A slightly improved version of the odd and insane, yet surprisingly appealing survival horror experience.
If you’re an RTS-loving PS Vita or PS3 owner then unfortunately Zombie Tycoon 2 is most definitely not the game you’re looking for.
Come for the face-punching, but stay for the acid-induced visuals.
Raid Mode > Mercenaries. That’s right, come at me bro.
If you consider yourself a Madden super-fan and want the very best version of Madden 25, you’ll have to buy the game at Amazon this year.
Dragon’s Dogma returns with a new expansion, including the core game for anyone that missed out on one of the best action RPG experiences of this gen.
Have you ever wanted to see Brock Samson and Claptrap play Poker with GLaDOS? Have I got a game for you?.